

Gathering & Registration


Opening Words

Sandra Särav
Host of Thinking in Billions, Deputy Secretary General for Economy and Innovation

Tiit Riisalo
Minister of Economic Affairs and Information Technology


Panel: Health Tech 

First Health Tech Unicorn by 2030 – Is It Possible and How Can We Get There Faster?

This panel will address the topics on how can startups validate and accelerate the development of their product faster, how can state be of assistance either region wide or have hospitals join in by offering clinical testbeds. Today, Health Tech startups face tough challenges due to the amount of time and money it takes to validate and test out their products at an early stage. How can we accelerate the creation of clinical testbeds, so upcoming businesses can get ready to reach markets faster? Which regulations within the EU and in Estonia are out of date and slowing down innovation? What are ways of collaboration between the public and private sector to accelerate the process? And the most burning question – in a nation full of unicorns, why we still don’t have one in Health Tech?


Jaanika Merilo

Head of eHealth Strategy in Estonian Government

Siim Saare 

CEO & Founder of Lifeyear

Dr Katrin Kaarna

Head of Clinical Research Centre of Tartu University Hospital

Moderated by Andres Sutt

Former Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology


Panel: AI & Data

Regulation or Innovation: Must AI Choose?

The panel will focus on what is the impact on EU AI act for both in public and private sector; how will startups be affected by it and what should they do to already prepare for facing these regulations. The panelists will discuss what support is can actually be provided by the public sector in order to enable the private sector to thrive, what is the role in international collaboration regarding regulatory AI sandboxes and how sandboxes can raise trust regarding AI as well as enable innovation followed by a discussion on ethical, regulatory, technical and innovation frameworks to enable AI development.


Kristel Kriisa
AI Adviser to the Secretary of State Government Office

Alberto-Giovanni Busetto

Chief AI Officer at HealthAI; Global Future Council Member of the World Economic Forum

Linda Capusa
Operations Director, Europe Startup Nations Alliance

Moderated by Ebba Josefson Lindqvist
International Relations Manager at AI Sweden


Coffee Break


Keynote: The Key to Accelerating Defence Innovation is a Common Language

By Gene Keselman

MIT Director & Lecturer


Keynote: The Role of the Estonian Defense Fund in Supporting Defence Tech Ventures

By Sille Pettai

Board Member of SmartCap, Estonian Defence Industry Investment Fund


Keynote: The Evolution of Civil-Military Cooperation in Defence Tech and Dual-Use

By Amit Ganjoo

Founder and CEO of ANRA Technologies


Panel on Dual-Use in Defence Tech: The New Role of Defence Tech in Global Security 

The panelists will dive into the topic and share concrete practices on how and where Dual-Use startups can test out their products legally with real impact, what is urgently missing from defense tech, what investors are looking for in their next success story, errors and possibilities regarding regulations and sandboxes surrounding Defence & Dual-Use tech today, and why is it now more important than ever to create value both in the civil and military sector.


Gene Keselman

MIT Director & Lecturer

Amit Ganjoo

Founder and CEO of ANRA Technologies

Sille Pettai

Board Member of SmartCap, Estonian Defence Industry Investment Fund

Moderated by Kaidi Ruusalepp

CEO & Founder of Funderbeam


Closing Remarks


Networking at the Venue